Mar 18, 2023Liked by Hal Cannon

I always enjoy hearing about what you are up to. Thank you.

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I loved reading all of this, and you and Teresa too.

95% sure Mom and I want to sponsor a bell.

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Hi Lara, I'm sending Mike emails of folks who have expressed interest in helping sponsor this hike with a handmade bell as keepsake. If you are interested send me your email to halcannon@mac.com. thanks and greetings. HAL

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Hi I am in Rockville and would love to sponsor some of Mikes PCT trek. What is best way to contact/donate??

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I'm sending Mike emails of folks who have expressed interest in helping sponsor this hike with a handmade bell as keepsake. If you are interested send me your email to halcannon@mac.com. thanks and greetings. HAL

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Happy St. Patti and Paddy's Day. Really enjoyed all the backwards and forwards thinking in this post. I'm a huge fan of Patti Smith. The piece she wrote in The New Yorker in 2017 after Sam Shepherd died made me go out and buy everything she'd ever written. Such a good writer and thinker. Glad you like her.

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Kathy, so good to hear from you. best to you dear old friend

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Thanks, Hal. Might interest you to know that John Duykers, operatic tenor of “Nixon in China” fame, is also a Manx man. He and Missy Weaver and I had a good start on an opera about Butte until we ran out of money!

Sign me up for a bell.

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Hi Phil, I've sent Mike your email to be in contact about bells and long walks. Hope you are well. I'd love to talk to you about this scheme for a new album I want to make. Perhaps next week?

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Thanksgiving Dinner on the hoof!

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Why have you made no posts after this?

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Doing workshops Monday through Wednesday and available after that. Cool.

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I’m so glad to have The Loose Cannon back!!

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