Cool bike Hal!!

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I still have my original 1955 Schwinn Spitfire one-speed. I've ridden it on the Jordan River Parkway Trail to Utah Lake. I prefer to ride my semi-recumbent 8-speed granny bike because the seat is so comfortable. I also have 2 mountain bikes. My theory is - you can never have too many bikes because so many friends don't have one and they can always borrow one of mine.

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Kathy, so cool you have your 1955 Schwinn I used to love to ride my bike far afield, like to your neighborhood. It was such an adventure.

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I crashed on my commuter bike two years ago. I was ok, aside from hematoma on my thigh the size of Cleveland. Although I had no conscious aversion to “getting back on the horse”, I’ve only ridden my bike a handful of times since then. It’s funny how hard our unconscious works to protect us. It reminds me of my dad, who was on his way home from work one evening when a guy on a motorcycle tried to pass him on the right while he was making a right hand turn. The guy got creamed. Even though the accident had nothing to do with that intersection, dad would never come home from work via that same route again.

I’ve been toying with the idea of an electric bike. They are probably safer. My resistance is that I’m afraid that knowing how I am, I’d opt to never pedal, therefore defeating the purpose of getting exercise.

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Paul, I find I pedal most of the time. I may not work as hard if I did not have extra oomph but I feel I'm getting exercise. It's pretty fun. Interesting about getting back on the horse after you have been bucked off.

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HAL: You beat me. The most cars I every had at one time was 12. Eight now with three motorcycles. Had a few bikes too but that was my dad's thing. Would send you the News article "meet the podiatrist who fixed bicycles" but can't find a url for it. Hope you are well and still hiding from the "C19".


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What a joy to hear from you. How I remember our bike rides to the creek below the zoo, then back to ask Doc (your good father) to fix our bikes. Also, I remember riding with you down Logan Canyon in an Olds 88, as I remember. You really scared me. Great memories, never the less.

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I found an interesting photo of the "Creek" and zoo area from the 1930's today. I was going to attach it but no way to do it. Interesting what is there and what isn't. Remember driving Ernny Kanel's T1 on the old subdivision roads above the Monument?

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I had a lead foot in those days. Teenagers are immortal! Now I drive 60MPH tops in the right lane with 6 car length front and back. Feet of clay! How are you doing? Is your body trying to kill you yet?


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