Congratulations, brother. I hope a lot of people hear these and maybe even record them. That’s how things last....fer awhile.

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fer awhile, yes. How you lastin' brother? I hope you are on the continual mend, with the occasional shooting to the stars mixed all in.

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What a marvelous artistic accomplishment!

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Hello, dear Kathy. Thanks for sticking with me through these weeks of writing.

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The videos are an amazing visual contribution to an already beautiful jacket design, in particular the title video — an exquisite rendition. We’ve known each other, at least peripherally, since the days of the Nauvoo Whistle and Whittling Band. Still making art.

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I'm so glad you are making art. The Smith Brothers albums were always such wonderful pieces of art. I love that 12x12 format. I think I still have a few of yours in the collection. best to you.

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