Beautifully said Hal about remarkable people during a remarkable time.

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I'm marveling at your memory as I read these fabulous stories. You must have taken good notes. Hearing Art Cavanaugh sing brought a lump to my throat, as a lot of Indian singing does. Ever since I saw “The Last of His Tribe,” with Graham Greene as Ishi, I haven't been able to hear that kind of singing without getting emotional. You may have heard of this true story of the sole remaining member of the Yahi tribe, a group of Northern California Native Americans massacred in the 1800s. At the end of the film, the man that befriended Ishi sings a song Ishi taught him and it did me in. When you sing the refrain with "Whoa" in your Zion song, it has the same effect on me. I hate what was done to the Indians. It's one of the reasons I support Adopt A Native Elder.

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Really enjoyed this, Hal! Thanks! Senator Paul Laxalt 😊

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